Yeah, a productive day today. I did three interviews today, including one at the toaster. In the morning, I started out going to Miguel to ask if he contacted la economista to see if there is time for interviews. He called her and handed me the phone. No problem she said, you can totally come over this afternoon. So I did and interviewed her. By then it got 5 O’clock and the maestros were done working. So I’m going back there to get some more interviews tomorrow in the morning. So if all goes well, I can wrap up the toaster tomorrow, and then I only need about 2 interviews in the office and some extra questions for Miguel. I may just wrap this baby up nice.
On the dark side, I totally feel like I’m getting dumped by my other case. The director is telling me every time I call him: “call me tomorrow” “call me on Monday” “call me in 30 minutes” “you know what, I’ll call you after my meeting” (he totally didn’t). I’m getting sick of it, but I need to stay polite, because I need this case. My only other option is to go to a factory in Tena, which is a 5 hour drive from Quito. Honestly, it’s a nice case, probably even nicer than the one I’m hunting now. But Mariela is just going to kill me if I have to move to Tena now. Almost makes me feel like sitting down and cry that ‘life isn’t fair’. But that’s just a little dramatic, don’t you think?
Truth is, we’ve been calling for a month with the hope that we now get to be a full month together, and I want that. I want to be in Quito, with Mariela and my friends. Have fun. Go out dancing. Do all the stuff I haven’t been doing in Guayaquil. And now I’m close to feeling myself forced in having to choose between my personal life and my studies. Yes, I know I’m here for the latter, but this just makes me feel bad. I was hoping to finally have a good time again in Ecuador, and now it’s getting jeopardised.
And my bottle of rum is finished… I need a hug.
Or I need at least a lot more people reacting to my posts... Where are you guys?
Or I need at least a lot more people reacting to my posts... Where are you guys?
1 opmerking:
Hallo John,
Eerst even over zaterdag. Waarom werd jij niet in the pool gegooid? Jammer, dat hadden we wel willen zien!
Nu over maandag. Als die interviews in Guayaquil allemaal lukken, kun je dus weer terug naar Quito. Hopelijk kun je toch bij die Director in Quito terecht. De aanhouder wint,moet je maar denken! Anders zul je toch moeten kiezen voor Tena. Wie weet kan dat ook nog wel beter uitpakken. Op één of andere manier komt 't vast wel goed!
We wensen jou alvast een goede reis naar Quito. en daarna veel succes met die andere dingen!
Groetjes Pa en Ma.
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