maandag 17 mei 2010

Day 25: 16 May – Sand, sun and sea

Next morning I wake at 10.30 and remember vaguely how I got to bed. After I lie waking up a bit more, I take a shower. Only when I return and head out again to the balcony to make some pictures of the ocean and apply sun block, I notice that it’s not Sebastian in the bed above me, but one of the girls.
It takes ages again for everyone to get ready. We, the men, go out earlier and sit down with a juice and something to eat. Nicolas shows me what a bolone is: a big ball of plantain and cheese. It tastes good. We meet with the girls at the car, where we dump our bags, and go to the beach. The men ahead again, because the girls need to eat something first. The rest is what you can call ‘a lazy Sunday afternoon’ Hanging out on the beach, jump in the waves for a second and then hang around in some hammocks. We eat something (patacones, another plantain specialty), and drive back to the apartment.
Driving back, we are passed by an ambulance, but I notice that we are able to see it for a long time. We are keeping up with it at a speed of 100km/h. Black smoke emits from the ambulance and I conclude that it can’t help much to be rescued by an antique diesel. A taxi could take you to the hospital quicker. Then I close my eyes for about an hour or so, without much choice to do anything about it.
Once back, I take a shower and call with amorcita in Quito. I eat while typing my stories in the computer and Vaquito tonto is staring at me all the while. I remind myself that I really am more a cat-person. But it might be that this dog is just out to annoy me by following me around and staring at me all the time.

1 opmerking:

jos en carola zei

Hoi John,
Bedankt voor jou mailtje en nu die lange tekst op de blog.
Hè, hè, we hebben àlles gelezen. We zijn weer helemaal bij.
En dat allemaal in het engels!
Was 't ei lekker? En de klap in the face ook? De reis naar Guayaquil was dus lang; en wel goed gegaan. Daar hebben ze jou meteen aan het werk gezet, als ik 't goed gelezen heb. Mooi zo. Daarna een geweldig weekend, met veel drank! Volgens mij gaat het jou goed. Zo, nu gaan we nog even de foto's bekijken. Tot de volgende keer; en hou je taai; en drink niet teveel!
Groetjes Pa en Ma.

Visited places in Ecuador (apr/jul - 2010)

Thesis Ecuador weergeven op een grotere kaart